Where could Oregon QB land in 2024? Draft stock explored

Bo Nix has had one of the more interesting college football careers in recent memory. After an up-and-down stint under center for the Auburn Tigers, Nix has played at a near-elite level as a member of the Oregon Ducks.

Here's a closer look at where the fifth-year starting quarterback could wind up being selected in the 2024 NFL Draft.

Bo Nix NFL Draft Projection

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70% Win


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While the Oregon quarterback is as talented as they come, Bo Nix' draft projection has him going on Day 2 of the NFL Draft. This is due to the immense competition between multiple QB's including Caleb Williams, Drake Maye, and more.

How has Bo Nix performed in his college career?

Bo Nix joined the Auburn Tigers as a four-star prospect in the 2019 recruiting class.

He was named the starting quarterback as a true freshman and appeared destined for stardom after finishing with 2,542 passing yards, 16 touchdowns and six interceptions.

He completed 57.6% of his passes while adding 313 rushing yards and seven touchdowns on 97 carries.

He was able to upset the Alabama Crimson Tide, ending their hopes of reaching the College Football Playoff, which marked the first time they failed to qualify for the postseason. Nix was subsequently named SEC Freshman of the Year.

While many expected him to break out the following season, he failed to do so as he threw for 2,415 yards, 12 touchdowns and seven interceptions. Nix completed 59.9% of his passes while rushing for 388 yards and seven touchdowns on 108 carries.

In his final season as a member of the Tigers, he finished with 2,294 passing yards, 11 touchdowns and three interceptions. Nix completed 61.0% of his passes and added 168 rushing yards and four touchdowns on 57 carries.

Following the season, he joined the Oregon Ducks via the transfer portal. Nix broke out in his first season with the program, throwing for 3,593 yards, 29 touchdowns and seven interceptions.

He completed 71.9% of his passes while rushing for 510 yards and 14 touchdowns on 89 carries. he also caught two passes for 36 yards and a touchdown.

He has picked up where he left off this season as the Ducks head into Pac-12 play this weekend. Through three games, Nix has thrown for 893 yards, eight touchdowns and no interceptions. He has completed 77.6% of his passes while adding 60 rushing yards on 11 carries.

Where could Bo Nix be selected in the 2024 NFL Draft?

Bo Nix will be part of a stacked quarterback class in the 2024 NFL Draft. While the class is headlined by 2022 Heisman Trophy winner Caleb Williams, there could be more than 10 quarterbacks selected in the first three rounds. Nix figures to be taken in the late first round or early second round.

While his age could scare teams, he has shown that he has plenty of talent. If a team doesn't trade into the late first round to select him, it is likely that he will hear his name called early on Day 2.

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